Management and Board of Directors

Takeshi Itoh

Outside Director
the Nomination Committee Chairperson

In addition to management experience and experience as an analyst in investment banks and investment advisory companies, etc. domestically and abroad, with Takeshi Itoh’s long-term overseas work experience and experience in the consulting business including fundraising and M&A advice, he has a record of superior performance in advanced corporate analysis, etc. In addition, by utilizing his experience as executive officer in investment management companies domestically and abroad, at Board of Directors meetings of the Company, he not only supervises business execution but also proactively offers his opinions based on his advanced knowledge and experience, and also from the perspective of the capital markets, as an expert in the fields of international financing and investment, in order to increase transparency and fairness of management, thus fulfilling such appropriate roles as supervision and advising, etc. on business execution. He is expected to continue contributing to increasing the level of the Company’s management going forward.


September 1969 Entered Burnham & Company
October 1983 Director of The First Boston Corporation (Present: Credit Suisse Group AG)
October 1993 Managing Director and Vice Manager of Tokyo Branch, Smith Barney (Present: Citi Group Global Markets Japan Inc.)
October 1998 President of UBS Asset Management Inc. (Present: UBS Asset Management (Japan) Ltd.)
December 2010 Supreme advisor of Japan Wealth Management Securities, Inc. (Present: Aozora Securities Co., Ltd.)
February 2012 Vice Chairman and Chief Operating Officer of Aozora Securities Co., Ltd.
June 2013 Senior Advisor of Aozora Securities Co., Ltd.
June 2014 Outside Director of the Company (Present post)
June 2018 Retired from Senier Advisor of Aozora Securities Co., Ltd.