Message from Management
Through the pursuit of “human-centered automation,” we aim to become a corporate group that contributes to the sustainable development of society.

Kiyohiro Yamamoto, Director, Representative Corporate Executive, President & Group CEO
Since our founding in 1906, we have pursued measurement and control technology, delivering unique solutions to our customers. On our 100th anniversary we changed the name of our brand to azbil, and in April 2012 we changed the name of the company from Yamatake Corporation to Azbil Corporation.
Today, the azbil Group’s aim is to provide its unique value to customers in offices, production sites, and in daily life all over the world through its three business segments: Building Automation, Advanced Automation, and Life Automation.
In the last few years, the COVID-19 pandemic, the disruption of global supply chains triggered by geopolitical risks, and soaring energy prices and other effects of inflation have created challenging conditions for the azbil Group. However, we believe that automation will take on a greater role in the medium to long term. Changes in the business environment, including progressive globalization, and greater social responsibility toward the sustainable growth of society, technological innovation, changes in society like declining birthrate, aging population, new ways of working, climate change, and customers’ own ongoing restructuring of global supply chains and switching of energy sources, will further expand the areas addressed by automation. We see these changes as business opportunities for the azbil Group and plan to accelerate our growth by advancing our global expansion and other initiatives, including co-creation with our customers and collaboration with other companies in our areas of business, as well as strengthening our solution capabilities.
We ensure our sustainable growth by continuing to provide new products and services that contribute to safety, productivity, and enhanced value at production sites by using advanced technology like AI and various types of advanced sensing, and we expand our business by solving environmental and energy-related problems in buildings and in the local community while strengthening our business and corporate foundations. We direct progress toward a sustainable society by aiming for specific targets related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that resonate with our Group philosophy.
Additionally, to further improve our corporate governance, we instituted a three-committee board structure in fiscal year 2022, and have been working to increase the transparency and soundness of our management. Furthermore, with employees and management all working together in pursuit of “human-centered automation,” we aim to be a corporate group that contributes to the sustainable development of society, and achieve the well-being of society and our employees.
- Azbil Corporation Info
- Corporate Philosophy / Symbol / Policies
- azbil Group Corporate Social Responsibility
- Investor Relations
- Medium-term Plan
- Research & Development
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- Safety and Dependability of Products and Services
- Procurement
- Exhibitions & Seminars
- Public Relations
- azbil Group
- Certifications
- Global Network