Education and Training for Safety and Health

Safety and health education

In addition to legal education, Azbil provides company-wide education for health and safety awareness.
We provide multi-dimensional opportunities for learning that are not restricted by time or place in order to educate effectively and efficiently. We have more than 40 trained safety and health instructors nationwide.
We also offer e-learning courses for all staff, including temps, to improve health and safety standards.
In fiscal year 2023 we aim to educate and train more than 5,500 peopleĀ , not including more than 6,000 people by e-learning.

Fiscal year 2022 safety and health education courses (excluding e-learning)

      Number of participants
  Number of courses Number of meetings Total Azbil Corporation Domestic Group company Partner company
Safety and health education for managers68195244566441
Legal education91191,23965055534
Legal education for renewal57267338238253
Education similar to legal education58095764995213
Education similar to legal education for renewal21173223219
Self-improvement safety and health education61131,319876185258
Self-improvement safety and health education for renewal119166108058

Data is from April 2022 to March 2023.
In Azbil Corporation, more than 5,700 employees have been taken e-learning courses for H&S.