Occurrence of Accidents

Number, Frequency, and Severity of Work-Related Accidents for the Past Three Years

The table can be scrolled horizontally.

  FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022, Actual FY2023, Target
Azbil CorporationThe azbil GroupAzbil CorporationThe azbil GroupAzbil CorporationThe azbil GroupAll industries in JapanConstruction industry in JapanAzbil CorporationThe azbil Group
Number of work-related accidents (fatal accidents)00000000
Frequency of injuries not involving work days missed0.971.410.710.861.581.610.61
Frequency of injuries involving work days missed0.360.600.660.640.611.062.060.790.41
Severity rate0.

- Numbers include contractors.

- Frequency rate of work-related injuries = number of victims / total number of working hours × 1 million hours

- Severity rate of work-related injuries = total number of lost working days / total number of working hours × 1,000 hours

- Numbers for the azbil Group include only companies in Japan.

- The source of numbers for all industries in Japan and for the construction industry in Japan is an occupational accident trend survey by the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare.

FY 2022, Summary
In FY 2022, business activities were revitalized even as the pandemic continued, and in Azbil also, more people worked than before at each site.
On the other hand, it took time for workers to acquire the sense of danger that is necessary to protect themselves, so compared to the time before the pandemic, accidents occurred that seem to have been caused by underestimation of the danger.
In our analysis, this is due to insufficient ability to adjust to changes in the type of work, leading to an increase in careless accidents, which is to say an increase in human error caused by carelessness and lack of flexible thinking.
For achieving FY 2023 goals
  • Departments in charge of occupational safety will evaluate the effectiveness of recurrence prevention measures.
  • In addition, a declaration of safety will be made if no similar occupational accident has occurred for one year or more.